State of MMC delivery in social housing

The National Housing Federation and Building Better have surveyed housing associations across England to find out about their use of MMC.

This report provides a snapshot of MMC delivery in the social housing sector. It outlines the number of MMC homes built by housing associations in 2022/23, along with the sector’s appetite for offsite construction over the next five years. We also asked housing associations about the main benefits and barriers around MMC.

By measuring MMC numbers and capturing the mood of the sector, we hope to provide valuable insights to housing providers, manufacturers and the government.

The state of MMC delivery survey will run every year. If you’d like to take part, get in touch.

Our next survey will open in summer 2024.

Download the report here.

This report was first published by the National Housing Federation on 20 May 2024

Membership of Building Better is open to any housing association or local authority housing provider in England and Wales.